Home Remedies

How Make Your Teeth White AT Home Know Here

Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

Are you looking for How Make Your Teeth White AT Home? Then check out this article. The tooth is not only for biting and chewing foods but also gives shape to the face. While laughing if we have white teeth then only we look beautiful. The only weapon behind this laugh is the tooth. Some people’s teeth begin to yellow very quickly. No matter how much brush you brush, the teeth will not look white. Hence always we need to take care of our teeth and gums. 

Do you know the reasons for yellow teeth? Lack of dental care, some foods, poor hygiene, and some bad habits like smoking, gutka, tobacco,  etc. can cause your teeth to lose their shine and start to turn yellow. From some home remedies, we can get shining teeth. Most of the items are available at your home. So easily you can prepare it. Let’s move towards remedies now:

How Make Your Teeth White AT Home

1.  Paddy Chaff:

We all know rice fields or paddy fields. This is a breath of every farmer. You might have heard about paddy chaff right? What do you do with paddy chaff? Actually, we throw it off. Isn’t it? Yes, of course, we throw it. What we think is it is just a waste item once we get rice from it. Paddy chaff or paddy skin is very useful to our dental health. What you have to do is take some paddy chaff in one big vessel and pour paddy chaff in it. Put hot charcoal (ember) in it. Slowly it starts to burn and it becomes ash.

We have to use this paddy ash to brush our teeth instead of paste. Let me tell you how to use it. First, you have to sieve it and add baking soda, mix well and store it in an air-tight container. Take a little mixture of it and brush your teeth using it. Doing this will improve the health of our teeth so that the yellow teeth become white.

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2. Lemon:

Take one cup and squeeze half lemon juice in it. Lemon contains citric acid. This citric acid removes the yellow stains on the teeth and brightens them. That is why we use lemon juice for this tip. Next, we need to add a little baking soda to it. Just a small pinch is enough. Use the baking soda we use for cooking. This baking soda eliminates the odor in our mouths. Besides, it makes our teeth look brighter.

Then we need to add turmeric powder to it. This is also the same just a small pinch is enough. Which turmeric do you use in your cooking same turmeric you have to use here. The antibacterial properties of turmeric help to prevent dental problems. Now mix all these ingredients well. keep this mixture aside, take one small carrot, and peel it. Chop it into small pieces and crush them. Add 1 spoon of crushed carrot to the lemon and baking soda mixture and mix well.

Dear friends, are you wondering why I used carrots in this remedy?  Because Vitamin K is abundant in carrots. This vitamin not only protects our teeth but also keeps our gums very healthy. Besides, I help to whiten teeth. Now Remedy is ready, let’s see how to use it. Pick up the brush you use every day and immerse it in it. Slowly brush for 2 minutes. Friends if your teeth are too yellow, make this remedy three times Your teeth will turn white.

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3. Neem Powder with salt:

Salt helps eliminate bacteria in our mouths, hence it helps to keep the gums and teeth healthy. If we daily brush with salt it helps to remove bad breath. For this, you have to add neem powder around half spoon. Friends, we have forgotten to use neem leaf. But our ancestors were brushing their teeth with neem sticks. So they had teeth that were very healthy without any tooth problems.

But nowadays we are not using neem leaves. Because we adopted to modern lifestyle. Antibacterial is also very abundant, especially in neem leaves. It protects our teeth from sticking bacteria to the teeth. Some people get blood from gums. This neem helps to control that problem. It removes oral bacteria and reduces oral odor. Use this as a toothpaste use twice a day.  

4. Garlic:

Take a small part of toothpaste. Any toothpaste you can take here. Use as much toothpaste as you normally brush. Add a pinch of salt to the paste (bowl). Put peeled garlic into the mortar pestle and pound it. Antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties in garlic are very helpful in relieving cavity and pain in the teeth. Mainly it helps to protect against bacteria and infection in the mouth.

Add this pounded or crushed garlic to the toothpaste mixture. 3 to 4 garlic cloves(petals) are enough for this remedy. Next, add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture and mix well. Don’t use lemon juice if your teeth are too sensitive, use water instead. Finally, add a pinch of turmeric powder and give a good mix to it. Now you will get the paste, use this once a week.

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5. Other Tips:

If you gargle with salt water regularly, you don’t get any dental problems. Regular brushing also helps to keep your teeth away from the cavity and oral odor. Regular brushing means here you have to brush twice a day. If you maintain your oral hygiene helps to keep your teeth healthy and brighten. Give frequent visits to your near dentists to avoid dental problems. Sometimes we are careless about our teeth which may lead to cavities, yellow teeth, etc. This is why we need to be very aware of our teeth

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Teeth whitening is a big issue faced by almost all people nowadays. Instead of spending a lot of money on tooth whitening, you can use the above-said home remedies to get good results. Finally, we can say excellent oral hygiene is the most important to get rid of all kinds of tooth problems. Hope you have got info about How Make Your Teeth White AT Home. 


NCERT-NOTES Class 6 to 12.

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