Cognitive Psychology

Automatic Process in Attention

Automatic Process in Attention

Automatic process in attention similar to writing your name includes no conscious. For the most part, they are done without conscious awareness. However, you might be aware that you are acting them. They usually require little or no effort or even intention. Several automatic processes might occur at once, or at least very swiftly, and in no particular sequence. Thus, they are termed parallel processes. You are able to read this text while at the same time improving your pencil and scratching your leg with your foot. some o automatic processes are informal to retrieve into consciousness and can be controlled intentionally, while others are not accessible to consciousness and/or cannot be controlled intentionally. Numerous tasks that start off as controlled processes ultimately become automatic ones as a result of practice. This process is called automatization also as proceduralization.

Automatic Process in Attention Examples

For example, driving a car is primarily a controlled process. Once we master driving, though, it becomes automatic under normal driving conditions. Such situations involve familiar roads, fair weather, and little or no traffic. Likewise, whenever you first learn to speak a foreign language, you need to translate word-for-word from your native tongue. Ultimately, you start to think in the second language. This thinking allows you to avoid the intermediate-translation stage. It also lets the process of speaking to become automatic. Your conscious attention can revert to the content, rather than the process, of speaking.

A similar shift from conscious control to automatic processing occurs when acquiring the skill of reading. However, when conditions change, the same activity may again require conscious control. In the driving example, if the roads become icy, you will likely need to pay attention to when you need to brake or accelerate. Both tasks usually are automatic when driving. Automatic processes usually occur unconsciously. Three attributes characterize automatic processes First; they are concealed from consciousness. Second, they are unintentional. Third, they consume a few attentional resources. summarizes the features of automatic processes are given as:

automatic process in attention


Habituation and Adaptation in Cognitive Psychology


NCERT-NOTES Class 6 to 12.

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