Cognitive Psychology

Memory and Its Problem

Memory and Its Problem

Memory and Its Problem: Memory is the means by which we recall and draw on our past experiences to use that information in the present. There are two types of memories which are semantic and episodic memory. A process, it refers to the dynamic mechanisms related to storing, retaining, and retrieving information about past experience Precisely, cognitive psychologists have identified three common operations of memory which are:

  1. Encoding
  2. storage
  3. retrieval

Each and every operation denotes a stage in-memory processing.

  • In the case of encoding, actually, you transform sensory data into a form of mental representation.
  • In case of storage, you have encoded information in memory.
  • In a case of retrieval, you usually pull out or use information stored in memory.

Memory Problem

There are some memory problems such as:

  • Amnesia
    1. Anterograde Amnesia
    2. Retrograde Amnesia
  • Alzheimer’s Disease


Amnesia is basically the loss of long-term memory which usually arises as to the result of any disease, psychological trauma, or physical trauma. Generally, is described as severe damage to explicit memory. One type is retrograde amnesia, in which individuals lose their purposeful memory for events prior to whatever trauma induces memory loss. Mild forms of retrograde amnesia can occur fairly commonly when someone sustains a concussion. Ordinarily, events instantly prior to the concussive episode are not well remembered.

  1. Anterograde Amnesia

It is normally caused by brain trauma such as a blow to the head. With anterograde amnesia, people cannot remember new information, while they can remember information and events that occurred prior to their injury. The hippocampus is typically affected. This commends that damage to the brain has resulted in the failure to transfer information from short-term to long-term memory; that is, the failure to consolidate memories. Several people with this form of amnesia are incapable to form new episodic or semantic memories, however, they are still capable to form new procedural memories.

  1. Retrograde Amnesia

It is the loss of memory for events that happened prior to the trauma. People with this amnesia cannot remember some or even all of their past memories. They have trouble remembering episodic memories.

Memory and Its Problem

Alzheimer’s Disease

While amnesia is the syndrome most related to memory loss, it is sometimes less devastating than a disease that includes memory loss as one of many symptoms. Alzheimer’s disease is basically a disease of older adults that causes dementia as well as progressive memory loss. Dementia is actually a loss of intellectual function that is severe enough to impair one’s everyday life. The memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease can be seen in comparative brain scans of individuals with and without Alzheimer’s disease.

Memory and Its Problem


Consciousness in Psychology


NCERT-NOTES Class 6 to 12.

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