Introduction of C# programming
Introduction of C# programming
The C# programming language was designed for developing programs for Microsoft’s .NET Framework. C# stands for “see sharp”.
In the late 1990s, Windows programming using the Microsoft platform that fractured into several many other branches. Most computer programmers were using Visual Basic (VB) language, C, or C++ language. Some C and C++ programmers were using the raw Win32 API, but some other programmers were using Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC). Some other programmers had moved to the Component Object Model (COM). All these technologies had their problems.
- The raw Win32 API was not object-oriented.
- MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) was object-oriented but was inconsistent.
- COM (Component Object Model), although conceptually simple, and was complex in its actual coding architecture and required lots of ugly.
C# was developed by Anders Hejlsberg and his team during the development of the .Net Framework and approved by the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) and the International Standards Organization (ISO).
The .NET Framework offers computer programmers considerable improvements over previous Windows programming environments. In 2002, Microsoft introduced the first version of the .NET Framework, which covers all old problems and meets the goals for the next-generation systems. The .NET Framework is a much more consistent and object-oriented programming environment than all MFC or COM programming technologies.
C# language contains some features the following:
Security: In the execution environment, C# provides much more security than other all programming languages.
Multiple platforms: C# supported multiple platforms like server, desktop machines to PDAs and cell phones.
Industry standards: The system uses industry-standard communication protocols, such as HTTP, XML, JSON, SOAP, and WSDL.
Some features of C# programming languages:
- Object Oriente
- Easy to learn
- Component oriented
- General-purpose programming language
- Platform independent
- More secure
- Support multithread techniques
- Automatic garbage collection
- Properties and events
- Indexers
- Delegate and event management
- Standard library
- Integration and windows
- Conditional compilation